Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm a slacker i know and I'm sorry. Its has been another four to five weeks since i last posted i believe.
Alot has been done since the last post and i will try and list everything.
First, we completed all brakes except the E-brake. While doing all that we ran into a problem with the front brake cylinders. The rebuild kits that i bought for the front were not the same as what was in there originally and what i mean is, the rubber and the piston inside of the cylinder were completely different and could not use. So i took them back and got my money back, only to drive back to the parts store to by them back because John came up with a idea that would fix the problem. Luckily i kept the old cylinders from the rear, i don't know why i did but I'm just glad. We removed and cleaned up the pistons from the old rear cylinders and the kits that i bought for the front worked fine. So that solved the brake problem. The following week was my wife and step daughter's birthday and i was ordered not to work on the dodge that week.

Next we move to the harmonic balancer. I purchased new one (used) online and when that came in we devoted a whole day to installing and touching up some paint on the motor, fan and little things here and there.
Neither one of us had a timing light and could not find anyone that had one. John and I got a timing light, so the next week we started on getting the motor in timing and that turned out to be a job and a headache.

Everything that we had done to the timing, the car was still not running right, it had no power and the carburetor kept popping. At the end of that day John disassembled the carburetor and we found that the plunger was bad and we were using way too much fuel. With that known we thought that might have been the problem for the popping, the carb was getting way to much fuel and that was what was causing the problem. John rebuild the carb last weekend and the excessive fuel usage has been fixed but the car still kept popping.

After troubleshooting and troubleshooting John finally found the problem... Praise Jesus!!!
Who ever had the car before had the number three and four spark plug wires on the wrong plugs. As soon as those were swapped the car ran like a champ!
Now all that remains to get her on the road is a few tires, steel rims (if sandblasting mine wont work), E-brake and a licence plate. What that boils down to is about $250 dollars and I'll be driving.

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